WFTAO is the World Federation of Technical Assessment Organisations, a worldwide network for co-ordinating and facilitating the technical assessment of innovation in the construction field.



What is WFTAO?

WFTAO is the World Federation of Technical Assessment Organisations, a worldwide network for co-ordinating and facilitating the technical assessment of innovation in the construction field.
WFTAO comprises officially recognised national bodies active in the field of technical assessments for construction products and systems.
WFTAO currently has members from twenty two countries across the global market.

What service does WFTAO offer?

  • The members of WFTAO deliver favourable technical assessments* of the fitness for use and continuing quality of innovative products and systems that deviate from established standard specifications.
  • A technical assessment in the sense of WFTAO is an authoritative favourable declaration of technical fitness for an intended use of an innovative or non-standardised construction product, service or process. The term covers all procedures described in different countries by terms such as agrément certificate, appraisal, avis technique, conformity appraisal, evaluation report, technical agreement, technical approval, technical assessment, type approval, etc.

How does WFTAO help companies to sell?

The primary objective of WFTAO is to facilitate the transfer of national products to the global marketplace through the acceptance of technical assessments delivered by its members.

A favourable technical assessment delivered by a WFTAO member will:

  • Provide a means of demonstrating the fitness for purpose of the product with building regulations
  • Be more readily accepted by building control personnel
  • Show that the holder’s manufacturing and QA systems meet high standards
  • Save valuable selling time, by easing acceptance of new products in a conservative market
  • Provide a good opportunity for press coverage for the holders to use the distinctive WFTAO logo on advertisements, literature and display material, identifying themselves as quality-conscious companies and enhancing their image
  • Be promoted on the WFTAO’s web site ( which is currently achieving 1,563 ‘hits’ a month

The organisation is committed to:

  • Promoting co-operation and the free exchange of information between members,
  • Encouraging all existing Technical Assessment Organisations that fulfill the membership criteria to voluntarily join,
  • Fostering the development and use by manufacturers of Technical Assessments worldwide.




Thomas Bruun
Secretary General, WFTAO
ETA-Danmark A/S
Göteborg Plads 1
DK 2150 Nordhavn
Tel +45 72 24 59 00

[email protected]

For overview of members and contact information; click here